Diptavo Dutta
Earl Stadtman Tenure Track Investigator
Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
National Cancer Institute

Research Interest : Statistical Genetics, GWAS,
eQTL, multi-omics, Mixed Models,
Quasi-likelihood models, Functional Genomics.


  • I am seeking a motivated postdoc candidate to join my lab. Research projects are available on diverse projects, including disease genetics, genetics of molecular phenotypes and rare variation analysis. Email me at: diptavo.dutta@nih.gov with a current CV, including publications and research experience. Diverse quantitative expertise will be considered, from machine learning methods to statistical genetics and bioinformatics.


  • Apr, 2024 Research article on subset based meta analysis for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies is published in HGG Advances.

  • Jul, 2023 Resarch article on the largest till date GWAS of bladder cancer, led by Dr. Stella Koutros published in European Urology.

  • Jan, 2023 Preprint on subset based meta analysis for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies led by Xinyu (Brian) Guo is now available online.

  • Dec, 2022 Research article on association of copy number variations and gene expressions in context of breast cancer related outcomes, published in Plos One.

Email: diptavo.dutta@nih.gov or dutta.diptavo@gmail.com