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Diptavo Dutta Earl Stadtman Tenure Track Investigator Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics National Cancer Institute Research Interest : Statistical Genetics, GWAS, eQTL, multi-omics, Mixed Models, Quasi-likelihood models, Functional Genomics. |
- I am seeking a motivated postdoc candidate to join my lab. Research projects are available on diverse projects, including disease genetics, genetics of molecular phenotypes and rare variation analysis. Email me at: diptavo.dutta@nih.gov with a current CV, including publications and research experience. Diverse quantitative expertise will be considered, from machine learning methods to statistical genetics and bioinformatics.
Apr, 2024 Research article on subset based meta analysis for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies is published in HGG Advances.
Jul, 2023 Resarch article on the largest till date GWAS of bladder cancer, led by Dr. Stella Koutros published in European Urology.
Jan, 2023 Preprint on subset based meta analysis for cross-tissue transcriptome-wide association studies led by Xinyu (Brian) Guo is now available online.
Dec, 2022 Research article on association of copy number variations and gene expressions in context of breast cancer related outcomes, published in Plos One.